Wellness Services

Pneumatic Compression Therapy

Compression therapy consists of wearing a sleeve around the leg or arm, which is connected to a pump that intermittently inflates the sleeve. This action puts pressure on the limb, subsequently moving fluid away from the toes or fingers. Benefits include:

  • prevention of leg swelling for people who stand or sit for long periods of time, like during a long flight

  • management of varicose veins

  • management leg symptoms during pregnancy

  • prevention of venous thromboembolism in people who are immobile

  • maintenance therapy for lymphedema

  • improve muscle recovery post-exercise and sport


Cupping entails using cups on the skin, creating a suction that helps improve blood flow.

Once you have booked an appointment for a cupping therapy session, there are a few things that you need to do to prepare:

Hydrating: You need to take enough water before the treatment as cupping clears the lymphatic system. For it to effectively clear the cellular waste, you need to drink a lot of water

Eat: Before going for cupping physical therapy, you need to eat an hour before the appointment

Avoid Shaving: Avoid shaving the area a few hours before the appointment. It helps protect the skin from injury.

Heal from a sunburn: Cupping makes the skin feel a bit warmer than normal. When you cup a sunburned area, it will be uncomfortable. If you have a sunburn, ensure that you wait until your skin heals before going for cupping therapy.

Avoid exfoliating aggressively: When you remove dead skin, it makes you more sensitive. If you have gone through an aggressive exfoliation session, you need to wait a couple of days before going for cupping therapy.

  • Helps in pain and inflammation reduction

  • Increases blood flow

  • Rejuvenates the body organs

  • Reduces stretch marks and scars

  • Relaxes and offers deep tissue massage.

  • Strengthens the immune system and increases the healing process.

  • Encourages cells to release toxins.

Physical Therapy Consultation

30 minute consultation with a physical therapist concerning injury prevention, wellness, and assessment of area of concern.

Manual Stretching Session

30 minute stretching session to 1 area of concern. This option will be great for former shoulder patients, chronic hamstring issues, and low back pain.

Personal Training

1 on 1 Personal Training Session with a certified personal trainer to address your personal fitness goals goals.

Fitness Classes

Yoga Sculpt

Yoga Sculpt is a fusion of yoga and weight training to improve muscle tone and mobility.

Mat Pilates

Mat Pilates is a strengthening and lengthening form of exercise that focuses on your core (trunk) muscles while also training your arms and legs. Mat Pilates is a low impact workout based on the original exercises Joseph Pilates developed.


TRX/Row is a combination class utilizing TRX straps and rowing machines.


Circuit training is a group of six or more exercises performed with short rest periods between them for either a set number of repetitions or prescribed amount of time.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.